
Literary Flits: Indie, small press and global literature. Reviews of books.


The Winning Note by Milan Krajnc + Free Book

On this Monday morning, in the middle of summer, it is difficult to take a nap.

It will be another one of those days when I cannot wake up and the feelings have completely disappeared, it will be another lost day where I will only check off the activities I have to do and I cannot wait for the end to go to sleep… and so there’ll be one less day in my life, one day closer to the end. A lost day.

I spotted this fun little flash fiction story when browsing the Smashwords year end sale. The Winning Note will be free until the end of December so pick up your copy soon! It is obviously written with English as a second language, but I think I could always understand what Krajnc was trying to put across. At just three pages long, this is a refresher read and I felt its theme of trying to find an energiser was perfect for Boxing Day sloth!

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Če želite spremeniti Svet, ne spreminjajte Sveta. – Milan Krajnc


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