
Častni član World Healthcare Women Contest

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Let the organizers of the competition express their respect and expect fruitful cooperation!

We want to attract your attention to a new global project designed to express our deep gratitude to the healthcare teams for their daily feat and to raise the profession’s prestige through beauty, humanism, professional contribution to healthcare, and corporate loyalty. In this respect, we created the” WORLD HEALTHCARE WOMEN CONTEST.”

We request your support!

The purpose of asking for support for the ”World Healthcare Women Contest is to draw the attention of the World Community to the development and increase of the efficiency of the healthcare systems and the protection of public health. Furthermore, assistance to manufacturers and exporters in the promotion of medical products and equipment, search for new markets for technological renovation, and modernization of clinics and laboratories. Last but not least, the Contest aims to show the competitiveness and advantages of health systems in different countries in the field of medical travel and attract patients and investments and upgrade the quality of Healthcare Systems Worldwide.

We believe that Doctors-Physicians, Health Care Executives, Nurses, Medical Secretaries, Health Care Facility Owners, and Other Healthcare Personnel working in Hospitals deserve immense gratitude. They are sleeplessly day and night taking care of the Covid-19 Patients without considering their health and ignoring the possibility of dying during their sacred duty. Therefore, we decided to organize a Worldwide Contest among Healthcare Women working in different healthcare facilities in all the countries of the World.

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